Hello there!

Hi! Assalamualaikum.

I am Nurul. You’re now on my page and I thanked you for that.

This blog is actually an old blog, I've been blogging since 2010 but all the posts were childish so I thought I should just delete them all and start over. So here it is; a cleaned blog. :D

So, let me tell you a lil bit about myself (even though you don't want to know haha). I am a twenty-something married woman who loves her family, husband, friends and artsy stuff. I live in the hot and humid throughout the year Malaysia. I am a proud International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) alumnus. I managed things for a living and I am also a part-time online shop owner.

Well, that’s a bit about me. Now, friends?

Thank you for spending your precious time to read this.


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