Hi. Assalamualaikum.

The title of this post is actually my birthday; 21 January 2017. This was my second year celebrating my birthday with my husband. My husband is not the type that  likes surprises or surprising people. So, when he surprised me on my birthday, it is a big deal. He decorated our car with balloons and pasted a Happy Birthday bunting at the back seat of our car, he played the OAG’s PerMYsuri song and gave me a Pandora bracelet as a gift (he knows I wanted the bracelet so much). He also posted a post which is the 100th post on his instagram account (he said he reserved that 100th post for my birthday 😍). So cute lah this guy. And he’s only like that when he’s with me. Alhamdulillah thank you Allah for giving me such a great husband. 
I really appreciate it, husband! Thank you. And, I love you so much, always! May our marriage last forever. InsyaAllah. Amin.

P/s: Sorry for the cheesy post (cheesy ker? HAHA), I just want to express my appreciation to my husband in written form. Haha.
